
by Rebekah Anne

You have ​something

to offer

Premium mentor training for women of fatih


Updated Classics Headshots Woman in Casual Work Attire

Cohort 3

Sep 8, 2024 - Nov 2, 2024


Apply Now

Brush Stroke Element


In the Bible, the juniper tree represents a place of renewal and rejuvenation, a place where we will be made whole once again. (1 Kings 19:4-6) Juniper Mentoring exists to foster and support Christ-centered relationships between women that do just that.

Why “Juniper?”

Updated Classics Headshots Group of Professional Women

After nearly 15 years and 3,500+ hours of working with people 1:1, Juniper Founder and Instructor Rebekah Anne has honed the skills needed to meet people where they are, build trust, and help anyone at any time.

Learn & Practice the Skills Needed to Guide People Well

Beautiful older woman posing

Get ready to experience what Rebekah calls “The Shifts.” Embodying these new mindsets will allow you to get out of the way so Jesus can work, help more people without burning out, and empower you to move towards people who want help without overwhelming them.

Experience Critical, Biblical Mindset Shifts That Elevate Your Effectiveness Instantly

Two Women Hugging

Your specific life experiences have given you wisdom, wisdom you can speak into others' lives to help strengthen them and the Kingdom. Women all over are longing to find well-trained Christian mentors who can help them through hard seasons. Learn to use what God has brought you through to make an eternal impact.

Use What You’ve Been Through to Bless Others

Women Being Silly

As you learn how to help others you will have the opportunity to reflect on your thoughts, heart, theology, and motives in brand-new ways. Juniper Mentor Training is designed to nurture your wisdom, humility, EQ, mind, confidence, and ultimately, your relationships with Jesus.

Continue Your Personal & Spiritual Growth

How it Works

Step 1 - Apply

Review this webpage thoroughly and then click on the link above to apply! If you still have questions email Rebekah at

Step 2 - Enjoy the Training

Learn all you can, bond with the women in your cohort, and do it all in a way that fits realistically in your life.

Step 3 - Use the Training as You See Fit

Read below for the numerous ways to apply this training to your life, business, and ​ministry


Portrait of Confident Businesswoman

Use Your Training To...

  • Improve your leadership in any environment
  • Improve your coaching skills if you have or want to start a coaching practice
  • Apply to work under Rebekah as a Juniper Mentor and earn up to $45/hr (Learn more here)
  • Improve your informal mentoring (better help the women in your life who look up to you)
  • Massively improve your interpersonal skills with loved ones (like you children & husband)
  • Learn to listen, support and foster open lines of communication with everyone in your life
  • If you are a woman in a ministry position at your church, get the training you need to ​mentor the women who come to you naturally

Training Details

& Schedule


This is an 8-week training. Every Monday a new lesson will drop in your portal. You'll have all week to watch the lesson whenever you can.

View the Detailed Curriculum

8 Quizes

At the end of each training module, there will be a short quiz to test your understanding of the material.


All trainees will be REQUIRED to attend 4 (four) 1-hour live trainings and group ​discussions. They will take place at 11 am MST. Please adjust for your timezone and put ​these meetings in your calendar now if you intend to apply. (9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10​/26)


All trainees have the option of 1 private coaching session with Rebekah to discuss what​ they are learning, ask questions, and for Rebekah to get a sense of where they are at​ in their learning journey. Mentorship​ for you!


In the final weeks of class trainees will be assigned a partner and choose a time to role-play a few mentorship conversations over Zoom. Rebekah will observe and give real-time feedback. This is a high-impact learning practice and will deeply improve your skills!

Want to make $45/hour?

Those who take this training can apply to work for Juniper (as a professional mentor ​under Rebekah’s direction and make $45 per session. This is optional. PLEASE VISIT ​THIS INFORMATION PAGE FOR ESSENTIAL DETAILS ON THIS OPTION


“What really set this course on a different level, for me, were the mindset shifts she talks about that will make you even more effective as a mentor and will stretch you spiritually, too! (Week 1 alone was worth the entire tuition, hands down!)”


Rebekah, 32

“I took this course only because I wanted to address interpersonal relationships. But after doing the lessons and the deep work, (especially week five), I’ve come to realize that I could be a blessing in other ladies’ lives. I’ve developed an interest in mentoring that is, God-centered, that feels God driven. “


Marly, 64

“Signing up for Juniper Professional Mentorship training was one of the best things I've done for myself! Rebekah brings profound truth to the table in such a gracious, fun, and dynamic way, An unexpected blessing I've already seen is how what I've learned has deeply impacted my marriage, parenting, confidence, and relationships positively.”


Darci, 46

I took this mentoring course to help build confidence for myself as I took on a leadership role at my church and by the end gained confidence not only for that role but also to mentor other women. I enjoyed the format and would recommend this course for anyone if you want to build your confidence as a leader”


Alyssa, 32

“The Juniper Professional Mentor Level 1 is a very valuable program. Some sisters in Christ need us to confidently share life with them through prayer, appropriate questions, and attentive listening. The homework and live interactions were a blessing. I am forever grateful for Rebekah's insights.”


Phyllis, 64

Rebekah did a beautiful job laying out what mentorship is, spoke truth into our lives, and gave us practical tools. It. I’m thrilled that this desire God has given me can become a reality.”


Kayla, 30

Payment Options

You will select your payment option in your application.

A payment link will be emailed to you upon acceptance of your application.


$750 total

Pay $400 on Sep 1st

Pay $350 on Oct 1​st


$500 total

Save $250 when you ​pay before August 21th​

God has brought you through something. Learn how to use it to edify others and glorify Him.

Let’s Chat

1120 S Rackham Way Suite 300, Meridian, ID 83642

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